We bring ideas to life: every day, thousands of people see, appreciate, and use our creations. Functional architectural spaces, design objects, or highly advanced technological solutions simply take shape in our workshop.
Close to Venice, in space and time, the tradition of merging invention and matter continues and renews itself by supporting architects, engineers, designers and large enterprices.

since 1958

Dominating matter, animating it, making it flexible or indestructible, integrating it with other elements such as glass, carbon or wood, is our everyday commitment.


San Giacomo in Paludo: the timeless transformation of a venetian island
San Giacomo in Paludo, is a small island one encounters heading toward Burano, leaving Murano behind. We are in one of the most special and unique places in the world, the lagoon of Venice. A scenario, this, that the ancient Venetians managed to freeze in time, exploiting the power of water, to protect the Serenissima.
5 February 2024