The golden luxury of brass
How Chic!
Brushed Brass

Furnishing a classy restaurant by considering the color scheme, the quality of the materials, and attention to detail, all while following a consistent guideline that unites these aspects without losing sight of the budget.
When thinking of luxury, gold is the iconic color that comes to mind. Among the most precious metals, gold is resistant to oxidation, extremely malleable, and has a captivating color. When designing a refined environment, the reference to this precious material is often a winning choice. Brass is the metal alloy that manages to respectfully mimic the golden effect, significantly reducing costs. For this particular venue, the entrance door frame was made using thermally insulated brass profiles from Secco Sistemi, enhanced with handcrafted handles. We guided our client in the design, realization, and installation of various interior details, such as shelves, counter coverings and reveals. Finally, we also provided custom-made bottle holders and communication supports like internal and external signs.
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